It’s that time again for some Vote-Off March Madness! We’ve seen some impressive activity in the Community Forums over the past month so once again thanks to everybody that has been involved. This site is nothing without the support and activity that makes the site feel alive when new visitors come along.
We also reached a milestone this month with the ToonsAnimeManga YouTube channel reaching 100 subscribers. Although this number is still very small, in terms of the big name artists currently on Youtube, it’s a proud achievement and every little bit counts. When it comes to YouTube the growth can be exponential and the early days can be slow hopefully ramps up the more people that subscribe! So thanks to all of you for your ‘likes’, ‘shares’ and ‘comments’ on my videos so far!
Again for March we’ve got some amazing theme suggestions coming in and I can’t wait to see what the selected theme for March will be. February was the first ever drawn vote which means you had the opportunity to pick Nintendo Characters or Valentine’s day or a combination of the two of them. It’s certainly a challenge that has been eagerly accepted by the awesome crew in the Community Forums!
So let’s take a look at the theme suggestions for March.
This one was though, I really wanted to draw something sporty but I have a pet turtle, so I voted for Pets/Creatures!
I went for sports – just could not decide between that and the pets though! Tough!
March is coming and that means warmer weather. I’m eager to take up tennis again and the community courts open up then. Figured I’d toss my vote in for something like that!
My vote is in for Sports!
I voted for fantasy creatures, been in a draconic mood lately!
When is the vote ending Byron?!
Hi woop I’m going to announce the vote today. Exciting!!!!